With the spread of novel coronavirus Covid 19 across the world and many countries including India coming to terms with hard realities of its contagious nature and fatality rates, it is necessary to develop and maintain strong immunity in our bodies.
Few days back, US government announced that they have just started the clinical trial of the first vaccine produced by them. However, it may take many more trials over months to get the vaccine to large scale human usages. Even other countries and governments are onto it but the days of vaccination are still quite a long way off. Few doctors have reported somewhat satisfactory treatment of corona virus with combination of existing medicines, but much of these need more testing before they are proven beyond doubt and are approved as sure shot treatment for such viral infections.
In this article, we will discuss how anyone can make efforts within his capacity to maintain and enhance body immunity.
Best course is to take as much preventive measures as possible …
In the circumstances, you should pay attention to the advices of government, doctors and health officials. You can undertake precautionary measures which will help you in not only avoiding contracting the virus, but also fighting the same with natural immunity in your body. High body immunity will definitely help you in case of any kind of viral or bacterial infections.
So what are the various ways you can improve your body immunity? In the following paras, we have collated certain methods which can help you in avoiding viral infection and in boosting your body immunity so as to fight any viral infection naturally.
Much of what we have written below may already be in the public domain as these are based on studies, experiences and advice of variety of health professionals.
Stay Indoors
This is a no brainer, already governments, states and local authorities are advising people to stay indoors and venture out less. There have been city wide and state wide and now country-wide lock downs to prevent or dilute significantly any community transmission of the novel corona virus. Even companies in India have long been advising people to work from home. This will definitely reduce chance of contracting this virus from any affected person living in in the neighborhood or your locality.
Learn here on how Non contact Infrared Thermometers work.
Eat plenty of Vitamin C fruits to increase body immunity

Eat plenty of citrus fruits such as Lemon, Oranges, Indian Gooseberry (Amla) which contain large quantities of Vitamin C and are natural ways to boost your immunity system. You may even take vitamin C with doctors advice. In case you are already under some medication or old person prone to falling sick, you may seek advice of your family doctor before taking any strong vitamins or particular types of fruits.
Maintain Hand Hygiene
Hand sanitizers are a good way to help yourself in disinfecting your hands every now and then. However, you may be seeing in your area that hand sanitizers are neither available in medicine stores nor in grocery stores. True, they have fast disappeared with the news of Coronavirus and sudden increase in demand. After all, our doctors on television media and social media have been rightly advising hand hygiene with the help of soap & water or regular usage of handy sanitizers. You can use disinfectants for house cleaning purpose. While these products may not be available in your store, you can buy them online; do check the link below.
Dettol Sanitizers and Disinfectants
Use Face masks
Often you may have to go out to get your daily requirements of groceries or medicines. It is best that you wear a standard mask which can filter out virus infections coming from sneezing or close contact with any affected persons. While masks are also a scarcity nowadays, you can still try online and buy a few for your home use. Here are few links of good masks from Amazon India.
Check these face masks to buy form Amazon India site.
While looking for masks, we have found online one good medical kit which comes with 3 layer Face Mask (Pack of 100), Medical Gloves, Tissue Papers & Sanitizer for protection from Virus Dust and Pollution. This can be super useful in today’s times !
Check price of this super medical kit by clicking here.
Check online face masks and sanitizers here
Ayurvedic herbs and medicines to enhance body immunity
The traditional Indian Ayurveda system of medicine is known for its usage of many herbs for boosting your natural body immunity. We feature here some notable ones for you to consider.
Indian basil (Tulasi) is known as a sacred herb having anti-allergic and anti-infective properties. It is known to effectively control cough, allergic rhinitis and other respiratory disorders. Ayurvedic doctors also prescribe this for treatment of hiccough, diseases of the eye, vomiting/emesis, skin diseases and worm infestation. Consuming Tulasi leaves or any herbal product with Tulasi extract can boost your immune system.
You may check these Tulasi tablets:-
Products having Tulasi extract in them.
Himalaya Tulsi Tablets Pack Of 2 (60 Tablets)
Ashwagandha is an important herb well known for its use in many health conditions including its use as a vitality tonic. Ayurveda recognizes Ashwagandha for its benefit of modulating and boosting our body’s immunity system. It increases the number of pathogen-fighting agents in your body. You can buy Ashwagandha tablets or syrups for consumption. Click here to check some Ashwagandha capsules online.
Shilajit is a naturally found substance containing fulvic acid and more than 84 minerals. Ayurveda considers Shilajit to provide numerous health benefits. It is claimed as an immunity system booster and is known for its ability to restore minerals to the body. Fulvic acid can help your body get rid of toxic heavy metals. It is available in tablet form in many Ayurveda or medicine stores.
The Indian lilac or Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a wonderful evergreen tree native to India. Ayurvedic system of medicine uses Neem extract for a variety of health purposes. Neem oil is used for scalp or skin for treating dandruff and acne. Extract of Neem leaf can be taken orally; you can consume even its bark, flowers and fruits for medicinal uses. Neem is reportedly useful for reducing inflammation, improving liver health and stimulating your immune system.
Try these Indian spices
Indian spices used extensively in every day Indian cooking are known to have natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
It is considered to have antiseptic, anti-fungal and nutritive properties. Garlic is recognized as an immune system booster by Ayurveda. It is a powerful natural antioxidant protecting your body from bacterial and viral infections, without causing any side-effects. Garlic can act as a natural anti-bacterial agent when taken in fresh and raw form. It contains a chemical called allicin that kills viruses and bacteria. Garlic is a good natural remedy for common coughs, colds and chest infections during winter.
It is an ingredient packed with immune-boosting benefits. Ginger can support and boost your immune system and can prevent nausea. It is used for soothing an upset stomach also. You can take Ginger for keeping your body warm and for breaking down toxins in your organs. You can consume Ginger by adding to a cooked dish like Indians do everyday. Or boil it to make a cup of ginger tea with added lemon for a pleasant and healing hot drink.
Turmeric has been used in Ayurveda medicine to treat inflammation – both inside and outside. You can use this for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and infections. Turmeric is known for anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and can be consumed as Turmeric tablets or turmeric power mixed with milk or water.
Check these immunity enhancing and general wellness products based on Ginger, Garlic and /or Turmeric.
Practice Pranayama (Breathing exercises)
You can regularly practice few breathing exercises or Pranayama suggested by various Yoga gurus. These breathing exercises can strengthen your respiratory system, which is at risk from many viral infections including the new corona virus covid 19. Some of the popular breathing techniques you can undertake are Bhastrika, Anulom Vilom and Kapala Bhati.
Those interested may click the below mentioned video link for detailed practical instructions.
Yoga Guru Ramdev Shares Tips To Boost Immunity
Check online face masks and sanitizers here.
Well, as of now, there is no vaccine or proven medical treatment for a new virus such as the novel corona virus. Therefore, it is best that you all should take all precautions to avoid its infection. In the meanwhile, you would do well to take all measures and try ways to boost your body immunity.
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Your can read our latest post on Non – contact Infrared Thermometers here.
Disclaimer: The article does not purport to be an authority on fighting any virus but aims at educating in taking certain preventive measures and boosting our immunity system. In case of any viral infection, you are advised to take doctors help as may be currently practiced. In case you are already under any medication for any ailment, you are advised to consult your doctor before trying any of the Ayurvedic or natural remedies mentioned above.