Wellness products such as heat pad, BP monitors can be good gift ideas too ! For old parents, relatives, seniors …

… so that they can do freely what they want to do !
Older people and seniors have recurring minor health issues…
When we grow old, we face many types of health problems… the body and organs age. With age comes different types of health issues… small and big. Luckily, most suffer from minor health issues such as back pain, knee, neck pain and various body aches. Yet, some may have chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension or high blood pressure, stomach problems or breathing difficulties.
When older adults exercise even a little for keeping themselves fit, they get easily some pain in some part of body or other. This is so if they are not very careful and controlled. They may get exhausted and their knees can start aching. It depends on constitution and general well-being of a person. But, it also depends on training and discipline that one follows during such exercises.
But, almost every old man or woman has some health issues or other, though not serious or life threatening in many cases. Often such irritants of life are taken with ease or plainly ignored in many families in India and elsewhere. We often think that these are all too common at such age. However, today there are many products in the form of personal medical devices available which can give relief from minor health problems.
For instance, older people with back or knee problems can certainly make good use of a heat pad. Therefore, it may be an excellent gift idea if you give something like this to your elders. Such as old mother or aunt ? Or to grand aunt or grandmother ?
Can we do something to show our love and care for them ?
In India, we often bring them sweets or clothes when we visit them or on any special occasions or festivals. But very rarely do we think of buying any health item as gift. True, we might be giving them fruits or bouquet of flowers when they are in hospital or seriously ill. But why wait till then?
Why not give them some health gadgets or trackers which they may need and can use at their age? This can make them live life comfortably and confidently. They can take care of themselves well in adavnce so that they do not fall seriously ill later. And these are available in plenty in Indian online market.
For instance, if you know that someone is having BP issues, may be you can buy a digital BP (blood pressure) monitor. Or if someone is having sugar problems, then a glucometer can help to periodically test sugar levels. Read our post here on the Diabetes problem in Indian and how a Glucometer can help.
Or hearing aids for elderly dear ones having hearing losses.
Today, you can be different and gift them something unique, which they can use and remember your kindness and care for them.
We have compiled a list of top wellness products which you can buy online in India …. So go head and show that you care!
Top wellness products/ devices for your elders
1.Heat Pad
Very effective for reducing various kinds of pains at the back, neck, shoulders and various body areas. They can arise from muscular cramps, stiffness, due to arthritis or old age.
Two most common ones are: Electric Heat Pad, and Hot Water Bottle (or Bag).
You can quickly check the following selections of heat pads as wellness products online.
Click here to go through the top heat pads you can buy at good rates.
2. BP monitor
Blood pressure is an effective indicator for overall circulatory health. People with high blood pressure are at higher risk of for heart failure, stroke, chronic kidney disease and damages to arteries. High blood pressure is also now known to complicate Covid 19 infection. Many older people suffer from hypertension problems and may be habitually taking prescription medicines for high or low blood pressure. However, unless regular exercise and proper diet is maintained, blood pressure can fluctuate very much in old age.
Read our article on High Blood Pressure or Hypertension and what you can do about it.
Therefore, it is a good idea to monitor your blood pressure and see for any unusual fluctuations. This can enable seniors and their family members to take precautionary health advice at early stage. This can be a good home use health device for any family.
If interested, please click link below and buy a gift for loved one who needs it …
Read here about various types of BP monitors available online in India.
3. Hearing Aid
Often, we shout out to our older parents to make them hear. Older people do have hearing problems and they too shout loud, hearing their own voice at low volume due to hearing problem. This can be irritating at times, even though our intention is to be really heard by our older parents or grandparents. And they too would like to hear clearly what is going on around in the house. People often ignore such minor hearing losses and take the same for granted as part of old age symptoms. Learn more about the problem of hearing loss here !
However, help is at hand with medical devices which can aid in hearing properly. Mostly, these devices help in amplifying the voice to the older people hear, and can result in normal conversations and relationships at home.
You can look at following 3 good products at extremely affordable prices …
4. Glucometer
Glucose meter (or in short Glucometer) is a self-test medical device to test for sugar levels. These are suitable for Type 1& 2 diabetic patients. A glucometer typically comes with strips (you can buy these strips separately later once they get exhausted). You can test your sugar levels at the convenience of home. Read our post here on how having a glucometer can help you self test blood sugar at home
Thus it can help in regulating diet, lifestyle and wellness of sugar patients, leading affected seniors to a healthy and better life.
Top selling brand in Amazon India and online Indian market is Accu-Chek Glucometer from Roche Diabetes Care, which is one of the leading brands that focus on tracking sugar level and managing diabetes.
Our top selections for sugar check devices in India online are as follows:-
5. Finger Pulse Oximeter
A pulse oximeter is a convenient portable device to measure the oxygen level in your blood and pulse rate. It is popularly used in hospitals and clinics for people suffering from respiratory diseases such as asthma, lungs disorders, heart diseases etc. Recent interest in this device has gone up dramatically across the world due to Covid-19 pandemic! People with severe cases of Covid-19 often experience breathing problems resulting in low levels of oxygen in the blood. More so with older people who have lower breathing capacity. A finger pulse oximeter can detect low levels of blood oxygen and can give early warning for taking additional oxygen. Hence it is useful to keep such a device for elders for any emergency and so can be good wellness gift too. Read our post here to know in detail about benefits and uses of a pulse oximeter.
To quickly get to buying one of Top oximeters online in India, click here.
Or you may check the following product links:-
6. Adult Pads
Around 10 years back in India, very few people would have heard of sanitary pads for very old adults for maintaining their neatness and wellness. Older and bed ridden adults – who have frequent stomach or digestion problems – are often unable to go to toilets on regular basis on their won. You may have seen in your family and circles many older people lying in their beds.
With all the urine and stool passing out from their bodies involuntarily, the scenario is pathetic and unhygienic . However, it is nothing to be ashamed of or to cringe from, as these are perfect body symptoms for very old people for whom body organs and metabolism are failing.
Often this can be bothersome for family members who have to attend to such old parents at home. Many families in India, living with modest means and belonging mostly to middle and lower class , cannot afford service of a private nurse. Even if they can afford, in many rural areas, villages and small towns, it is difficult to find private nurses on hire.
To help with the above problems and to enable older people to live life with cleanliness and dignity, adult pads can be of good help. Nowadays, as with babies, you can also buy adult sanitary pads or diapers which come in various sizes.
Final Say
When your parents and seniors grow old, they may faced minor health issues such as back pain, knee, neck pain etc. Yet others may have high blood sugar, high BP, chronic metabolism disorder or hearing loss. While gift them on different occasions, no occasion is required to show that you care for their health and well being.
With this intent, we have brought you Top Wellness Products for your seniors and old parents, which can help them live life well and with dignity. You may consider them as modern day gift ideas as well.