Cool Pack Ice Bag Ice Pack for pain relief

Top 3 Cool Packs in India to fight your pain !

Top 3 cool packs available online in India

If you have decided to buy cool pack, an ice bag or cold pack and come to this page, there are many products available in the Indian online market. In case you would like to know when you should use heat pad and when ice pack , please do read our post here.

We have looked at the available products and have carefully selected products featured here. We now present our findings on following Top 3 cool packs available online in India. These are good in terms of features, product quality and user reviews they have received.

So go ahead, and buy yourself a cool pack today!

A> NEWNIK Ice Bags

  1. The top selling cool pack in Amazon India is Newnik Ice bag. NEWNIK Ice Bag is a good option available online in Amazon India. You can use this for cold therapy for back pain, sports injuries, sudden bruises, sprains & strains and inflammation. Can be useful for post-surgical recovery as well, if advised by your doctor. You can use them in high fever.
  2. For tropical and hot weather conditions like India, if you do lot of work outdoors and suffer from heat exhaustion, you can use this cool pack for relief.
  3. You can use this for recent injury or bruises. Hence, sports persons can use this for reducing pain, swelling and inflammation.

This product comes in 9 inch size and is suitable for applying in many parts of body.  Due to its free flowing and flexible style , you can use this on neck, knees, shoulders, back etc.. You have to fill ice cubes up to 3rd of the bag (i.e. 3/4th ) and use the pack. It is so simple !

B> ONYXNEO Reusable Cold Gel Pack (Small (Pack of 3))

Onyxneo Cool Gel Pack for pain reliefOur second top pick is OnyxNeo Reusable Cold Gel Pack, which has 3 units in the pack. 

  1. This is a soft, gel-filled pack that can be used to provide both hot or cold therapy. Hence this is a dual purpose reusable pad, which can be used for cold treatment for pain and swelling,  and heat treatment for muscle aches and stiffness.
  2. You just store in freezer and use as a small ice pack anytime. You can rotate between 3 gel packs for easy treatment
  3. It is quite flexible even when frozen and it retains cold for longer. The pack is reusable, simple and easy to use. The company claims that its is developed and made in India.
  4. Safe and natural relief for headache, fever, toothache, tired eyes, kids injuries, swelling, sprain, bruises, bumps and other sports injuries. The pack is reusable and is simple and easy to use. Keep this as part of first aid tool kit. 


C> Flamingo Cool Packs

The third best pick of ours is Flamingo Cool pack.

The name Flamingo is quite common in medicine stores in India. This is a good product from the popular Flamingo brand in India, which has many other home use / personal medical devices.

  1. Flamingo cool pack comes in regular and large sizes.
  2. This contains a non – toxic gel and is leak resistant. It is flexible even when frozen and claims to retain coldness for a longer duration.
  3. This cool pack can relieve many body aches and provide relief from stress and pain.

Buy a range of  Flamingo cool packs available online in India.

You can additionally use any of the above cool packs for getting relief from heat exhaustion in hot Indian Summer.

So, Go ahead and buy yourself a Cool Pack today ! 

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